Unit 4: History in Our Time

by Dr. H - November 14th, 2015

Our last course unit deals with recent American history; during this unit you will write one last SkillBuilder and you will have a chance to “make history” yourself in the History Now final project.

The 4th exam takes place during finals period but it is not a cumulative final. Keep in mind: since your lowest exam grade is dropped, you may opt out of the last exam if you are satisfied with your previous three grades.

Remember to complete the third online Constitutional module by November 23rd – allow extra time for this one, as it is more reading-and-writing intensive than the other two.

Mon 11/16 Conservative Ascendancy. Reading: Ch 27

Wed 11/18 Workshop Day – bring textbook. Reading: Ch 27 documents.

Your questions generated by the new “Conservatism” packet

Fri 11/20 Ending the Cold War. Reading: Ch 28. SkillBuilder #5 due

Mon 11/23 Workshop Day – bring textbook. Reading: Ch 28 documents.
Complete the Constitutional Module #3 by this date (remember it has two components: the online quiz and the learning journal response)

Links for Today:
9:30 Class H&L EV WP DH
11:30 Class H&L EV WP DH

No class 11/25 – 11/28 – enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Mon 11/30 History Now Workshop – you will receive your packet on this day and begin working on the project. Bring laptops, they’ll be helpful as you get started.

History Now Project Guidelines PDF

Wed 12/2 Challenges of a New Century. Reading: Ch 29

Links for Today:
Resettled Refugees in Buffalo (NPR Morning Edition 12/2/15)
The Global T-Shirt (NPR Planet Money)

Fri 12/4 Workshop Day – bring textbook. Reading: Ch 29 documents.

What is Historical Thinking?
Think Aloud example1 example2

Mon 12/7 History Now – Discussion Day. Come prepared to share what you learned in the History Now Project, which is due in class (no electronic submissions).

The last exam (Chapters 27-29) will take place during finals period.

Exam 4 Study Guide

Section 01 is Mon 12/14 8:30 – 11:30 am
Section 05 is Fri 12/11 12:30 – 3:30 pm

Location: our regular classroom. It will be the equivalent of the other exams. It is not designed to fill the full three hours, but you should expect it to take longer to complete than our other exams. As before, you may bring one 8.5×11” sheet of notes.

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