Chapter 14 – Reconstruction

by Dr. H - January 23rd, 2018

This week we consider the era of Reconstruction after the Civil War. Please bring your news article to Wednesday’s class to participate in discussion. Bring the textbook on Friday, as we will be working with the Document Project in class. Also, your first SkillBuilder is due Friday, using any document from Chapter 14.

Updated Fri Jan 26 –
Slides from this week are posted under the Slides tab, above

Resources mentioned in today’s class, for learning more about Reconstruction:

US History in Context database, through the WSU Library

  • One advantage of this resource is that when you search a topic it divides up the results into articles in academic journals, primary sources, reference works, etc. “References” are especially handy, often short entries about the topic in different kinds of scholarly encyclopedias.

“Slavery By Another Name”
Library of Congress –> Reconstruction exhibit
Digital Public Library of America –> Freedmen’s Bureau materials
National Archives –> Freedmen’s Bureau materials

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