Unit 2: 1870s-1920s (Chapters 17-21)

by Dr. H - February 14th, 2018

Note: Constitution Module #2 is now up, available until March 12 midnight.

2 Links for Friday, Feb 16 (Populism, Farmers Alliance)
Nebraska History: The Farmers’ Alliance
William Jennings Bryan and the “Cross of Gold” Speech

3 Links for Wednesday, Feb 21 (Immigration and American Cities)
Great American Melting Pot
Immigration Explorer (New York Times)
A Trip Down Market Street in San Francisco (1906, sound added)

2 Links for Friday, Feb 23 (Immigration and Assimilation)
More info about Lazarus’s “New Colossus” poem (The Atlantic)
Making steel by hand (i.e. using a crucible or ceramic “melting pot” in Zangwill’s time)

3 Links for Wednesday, Feb 28 (Empires and Wars)
Sinking of the Lusitania
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Explained (History Channel)
Resources / Documents for Treaty of Versailles and End of World War I (Digital Public Library of America)

Additional Resources for Document Workshop Day, Friday March 2
Fake News in the 1890s: Yellow Journalism
American Imperialism: The Spanish-American War
Panama Canal

4 Links for Monday, March 5 (The Twenties)
Jacob Lawrence, Migration Series paintings
Harlem Renaissance (History Channel)
Two Americas: The 1924 Democratic National Convention (PBS, Ken Burns – Prohibition)
“The Day Wall Street Exploded” (BackStory Radio)

Handout: Chapter 18 Questions

Handout: Chapter 19 Questions

Handouts: Chapter 20 Questions and Chapter 20 Notes and Identification Terms

Handout: Chapter 21 Questions and Chapter 21 Class Notes

Exam 2 Study Guide

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