Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

End of Week 1

by Dr. H - January 25th, 2019

Nice to meet everyone this week, I hope you had a good start to your semester. For those of you who submitted a Practice Primary Source Analysis (PSA) today: I’ll comment and return those by Monday so you can incorporate the feedback into your first graded PSA paper, due Wednesday Jan 30th.

Check Blackboard for a new section called “Slides and Handouts” for any material shown or distributed in class.

Links from Friday’s class:

For Monday, Jan 28th — Read Chapter 14 and prepare to bring your book or laptop to class for our first Document Workshop using the Ch 14 Document Project. You don’t need to write anything in advance.

Day 1 Notes (Wed Jan 23)

by Dr. H - January 23rd, 2019

Welcome to our class! 

What to do for Friday, Jan 25th: 

Bring your textbook to class on Friday

Read the syllabus. Read it twice. 

Explore the course Blackboard environment and course website

Read Hewitt & Lawson, EAH (Exploring American Histories) Chapter 14 section on “Emancipations”

Write a practice PSA paper and either bring it to Friday’s class or upload it to the Pre-PSA assignment portal on Blackboard by start of class on Friday. For your document, use the one you got in today’s class, or any one from Chapter 14 of the textbook, or one from this online collection of documents. For more info on what a PSA Paper is and how to write one, see p. 3 of the syllabus, the PSA Papers section of Blackboard, or the PSA Papers tab, above. You might not be able to fully cite the document you got in class (not all of them had dates / authors), so just do your best with making a footnote for it this time around.

If you can’t obtain the textbook this week, there is 1 copy on course reserve at the Library circulation desk. You will need your OneCard to check it out, and you can use it for up to 2 hours at a time during regular library hours. 

Thanks, all! ~ Dr. Hangen

WSU Cancelled on 2/14; Exam Moved to Wednesday Feb 19th

by Dr. H - February 14th, 2014

Exam #1 will be on Wed Feb 19th (the next time we have class, since there is no school on Monday the 17th, so enjoy your long weekend!). Reminder: if you haven’t already, today is the deadline to complete the online Constitutions module #1 in Blackboard.

Friday Feb 21 will begin our second unit, with a workshop/discussion day on Progressivism (Chapter 19). Bring your textbook to class. The 3rd SkillBuilder will still be due that day, so that we don’t get too far behind the syllabus. For SkillBuilder #3 you can use any two documents from Chapters 14-19 that you haven’t already written about.

by Dr. H - December 21st, 2011